Papillomas under the arms. Causes and treatment, how to withdraw. Folk remedies, medicines

Underarm papillomas are a common problem among patients of different genders and ages. The disease often affects adolescents, sometimes children. Its causes and treatment are closely linked, because it is possible to get rid of growths after eliminating the predisposing factor.

What are papillomas

Papillomas are benign neoplasms that appear on the skin and cause unpleasant symptoms. They can come in a variety of shapes and sizes, are rarely single, and often affect a specific area of the skin.In medicine, the regular appearance of a large number of growths is called papillomatosis.

Types of underarm papilloma

Armpit papillomas, which differ depending on the cause and type of treatment, are divided into several classifications. Endophytic and exophytic growths are distinguished according to the characteristics of the growth of the neoplasm. The former grow inside the skin, forming only a slight rise in the skin.

The latter germinate above the surface of the skin, have a different shape and size, significantly complicating a person's life. Doctors also distinguish several types of growth, depending on the form.

types of papilloma

The most common are:

  1. straightIt usually has a round shape, rises slightly above the skin, and rarely causes discomfort to the patient. The patient notices them only when symptoms appear.
  2. He pointed outIt is general, small, sticks to the skin from the root, and narrows towards the tip as it grows. Neoplasms do not appear alone, but more often in several groups.
  3. Finger-shapedIt looks like a pointed point, but has not one, but two or three points. They look the same as previous growths, which is a serious concern.
  4. Simple or vulgar papillomasIt is the most common type. They look like a mole, have a round shape and rise slightly above the level of the skin.
  5. Filiformformations are most often seen under the armpits. They are very thin and stick to the skin with a thin body. Such accumulations can be easily damaged or even torn by careless movement or rubbing of clothes.

In addition, experts identify growths that are prone to malignant tumors and never turn into malignant neoplasms. The classification is conditional, the type is detected at the time of diagnosis.

Stages and degrees of underarm papillomas

Armpit papillomas, the causes and treatment of which are similar for any type of disease, are not officially divided into stages or degrees by specialists. However, doctors conventionally distinguish between the initial, progressive and advanced stages of papillomatosis. Straight formations grow slowly and are not visible in the initial stage.

As the condition progresses, the patient feels restless, feels cramped.At an advanced stage, the neoplasm causes pain, bleeding, and other small papillomas. Vulgar papillomas follow the same principle.

pointed papillomas on the body

Acute papillomas appear in several places in the armpits at once. At first, the patient does not feel pain. In addition, the number of increases is growing. In the advanced stage, the size and number of formations increase rapidly, the patient damages them, and the infection merges.

Finger-shaped neoplasms develop in the same way as pointed ones, but grow more slowly and are less damaged.

Rarely, the infection is combined.Filament papillomas cause the most complications. At the initial stage, one or two growths appear. In addition, their number is growing. In the advanced stage, most of the skin under the armpits is covered with growths, which cause pain, itching, and are damaged by clothing and hygiene products while taking a shower.

Symptoms of underarm papillomas

In most cases, papillomatosis does not cause severe symptoms in the early and advanced stages. The incubation period can last from several months to several years.

Why papilloma is dangerous

In advanced cases, the main symptoms are:

  • formation of a small structure of different shapes and sizes;
  • appearance of a similar neoplasm next to it;
  • mild dryness of the skin in the area of papilloma;
  • bleeding with accumulation damage;
  • pain when rubbing papillomas with clothes;
  • inflammation of the skin around the formations;
  • appearance of wounds or cracks.

In severe cases, small wounds that occur when growth is damaged are accompanied by an infection caused by the penetration of bacteria.

Causes of the appearance of papillomas under the armpits

Armpit papillomas, the causes and treatment of which are almost always the same, are caused by the penetration of human papillomavirus into the body. Today, experts know about 600 strains. More than 70% of the world's population is infected with the virus, but it becomes active under certain conditions.

How papillomas appear under the armpits

The main contributing factors will be:

  • weakening of immunity as a result of long-term illness;
  • regular overwork, intense physical activity;
  • unhealthy diet, lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • chronic vitamin deficiency;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • long-term use of antibacterial drugs;
  • undergo a course of chemotherapy.

Any of the factors can lead to the activation of the virus, the appearance of neoplasms. HPV is sexually transmitted through the use of general personal hygiene products. Children can be infected by their parents.

Diagnosis of underarm papillomas

Patients with symptoms of papillomatosis are advised to consult a specialist for diagnostic examination. The first method of examination will be to examine the skin at the site of growth. The doctor examines the affected area, assesses the condition of the papillomas and the possibility of their development into malignant tumors.

The next method will be a complete blood count.A blood sample is taken from a patient's vein or finger, and specialists examine it in a laboratory. Based on the results of the analysis, the doctor determines the general condition of the patient. Such diagnostics are performed at any educational institution and are usually free of charge.

Underarm papilloma can be diagnosed in different ways. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method is one of the main and most effective methods. It allows the detection of HPV in a patient's blood sample, determine the exact cause and prescribe appropriate treatment.

papillomas under a woman's armpit

The analysis is performed in large clinics.Some provincial clinics also perform PCR tests. Test - a high-precision screening test that allows you to quickly identify different HPV strains.

The patient's blood is taken for research, after which it is studied in special laboratories with reagents and equipment. Today, the method is considered the most effective and popular, performed in all countries of the world, more often in large clinics.

When to see a doctor

Papillomas in the armpits often do not cause significant discomfort, but spoil their appearance and therefore require removal. When the patient's psycho-emotional state is disturbed and complexes appear, it is worth contacting a specialist.

You should consult a doctor with signs of growth damage and bleeding, severe pain, inflammation of the skin around the neoplasms. The type, size and shape of the papilloma does not matter.

If HPV is detected during a polymerase chain reaction or screening study, a visit to a specialist is indicated. Dermatologists and dermatovenerologists deal with the problems of papillomatosis. Usually the patient is sent to a specialized department. If there are signs of malignancy, consult an oncologist.

Prevention of underarm papillomas

However, it does not completely eliminate the possibility of human infection with human papillomaviruscan be significantly reduced if the following recommendations are followed:

  1. Normalization of work and rest will eliminate overwork and, consequently, a decrease in immunity. You need to spend enough time on proper rest and try not to overload the body.
  2. Improving the quality of nutrition helps reduce the likelihood of developing vitamin deficiency and weakens the body's defenses.
  3. Avoiding immoral sex and having a regular partner can also help reduce the risk of HPV infection.
  4. Use of barrier methods of contraception during sexual intercourse.
  5. Refuse to use other people's personal hygiene products. HPV persists for a long time in washing clothes, towels and other personal items.
human papillomavirus in the body

Each method minimizes the risk of HPV infection, but does not eliminate it. Today, there is no one hundred percent way to prevent the virus from entering the body.

Methods of treatment of underarm papillomas

Axillary papillomas, the causes and treatment of which are often related, are successfully treated with medication. In addition, specialists refer patients to procedures to eliminate growths. Sometimes the patient is allowed to use alternative medicine prescriptions.


Antiviral agents, vitamin complexes, ointments or gels for external use are prescribed for the treatment of papillomatosis.

Pills for HPV
Activity and efficiency Scheme and course of treatment
Immunostimulating and antiviral drugs. Inosine has an effect due to the substance pranobex. Destroys HPV, stimulates the body's defenses. It is very effective in any form and stage of the disease The course of treatment lasts from 10 to 14 days, depending on the severity of the condition. You should take 2 tablets three times a day. It is better to do this after a meal.
Antiviral agent, increases the body's defenses. Works thanks to the composition of human interferon. Suppositories and ointments are often used together to enhance the action. The drug is effective at any stage of the disease The course of treatment is not more than 10 days. Suppositories are injected into the rectum once a day. The ointment is used to treat papillomas 3-4 times a day. Apply a small amount to the affected area and rub gently
Highly effective antiviral agent. Quickly suppresses HPV activity, accelerates the process of getting rid of papillomas. Pills are usually prescribed in combination with an external form The course of treatment is 5-10 days. Tablets should be taken in the amount of 1 tablet 5 times a day before or after meals. Ointment or cream is applied to the affected areas up to 5 times a day
Immunostimulatory and antiviral drugs have a quick and effective effect, even in the advanced stage and in severe skin lesions. The course of treatment is 10-14 days. It is necessary to take 2 tablets three times a day, preferably after meals.
A multivitamin complex containing vitamins and minerals. It is effective against weakened immunity, helps the body fight HPV Admission period is 30 days. The daily norm is 1 tablet, worth taking with meals
An effective antiviral drug with high efficacy. In several applications, it helps to suppress HPV activity and prevents the growth of new growths The course consists of only 3 applications with a frequency of 48 hours. Candles are inserted into the rectum before bedtime. If this is not enough, 2 candles are presented next week with an interval of 72 hours

Any of the drugs should be prescribed by a doctor only after examination and determination of the severity of papillomatosis.

Traditional methods

Some traditional medicine prescriptions are highly effective in removing small neoplasms.

celandine in the treatment of papillomas

The most popular will be:

  1. Celandine juiceis considered the most effective in the fight against growth. It is necessary to grind fresh herbs and squeeze the juice. Apply only papilloma, using a cotton swab, avoiding contact with healthy skin areas. Repeat the procedure in the morning and evening. After a few days, the growth will turn black, after which it will disappear. The duration of treatment is individual for each.
  2. Garlic juice and baby cream- a mixture to remove accumulations. Squeeze the juice of a few cloves of garlic, mix with cream in a ratio of 1: 1. Store the resulting mass in the refrigerator. Apply the composition daily on papilloma spots, cover with plaster and leave for 3 hours. It will take 7 to 14 days to remove a small formation.
  3. Natural apple cider vinegarwill help eliminate underarm growths. It is necessary to lubricate the formation with the product, avoiding contact with a healthy coating 3-5 times a day. Usually 10 days are enough to solve the problem, the papilloma will disappear on its own. The effectiveness of the method is high.

Any of the methods will help to eliminate small papillomas of different shapes. They will not eliminate large neoplasms. It is strictly forbidden to use the means when there are signs of growth or inflammation of the surrounding tissues.

Other methods

Some hardware methods help to eliminate even large growths in 1-3 procedures. The most popular method is laser burning. With the help of a special laser beam, the specialist moves on the papilloma, the tissues die and the growth disappears after a few days.

Anesthetics are injected into the affected area to reduce sensitivity.If necessary, if the papilloma is large, a second procedure is required.

laser removal of papillomas

Cryodestruction is an effective way to remove underarm papillomas.

Cryodestruction is a method of removing papillomas using liquid nitrogen at extremely low temperatures (-170-2000).

The specialist processes the growth, the tissues die, the neoplasm disappears. Manipulation causes discomfort and therefore requires pain relief. Usually a second procedure is not required, one visit is enough. Such methods are very effective and minimize the risk of recurrence of skin growth.

Possible complications

In the absence of treatment, papillomas in the armpits are constantly damaged, sores and areas of skin inflammation appear.The danger is the addition of infection with subsequent infection of the blood.The most common and severe complication is the transition of a benign neoplasm to a malignant one.

Therefore, treatment of papillomatosis is mandatory. Underarm papillomas are a dangerous and unpleasant disease that causes psychological and physical discomfort. The cause of the growth is HPV, and treatment should be aimed at suppressing it, as well as strengthening the immune system.